Friday 6 May 2011

Pieces and Parts of Scrum

·         User Stories
o   User stories are usually represented in the below form;
§  As a <user> I want <functionality> ( so that <benefit> )
o   This allow us to clearly understand, who wants the feature, what the functionality should be and most important, what the benefit is if we do the story.
o   User stories can be very large in scope. When this is true we need to break them down until there are chunks of work that can be accomplished in sprint iteration.
·         Story Estimation
o   We need estimate the amount of work/effort the story represents which helps the Product Owner prioritize value and risk.
·         Product Backlog
o   Consists of prioritized list of work to be done: User Stories representing, featured, spikes (research) and sometimes bugs
·         Sprint Planning Meeting
o   This is where the 3 roles of Scrum get together and work to select the work that can be done in the sprint iteration.
·         Sprint Backlog
o   The Sprint Backlog contains the work that can be accomplished in our time boxed Sprint iteration.
·         Stories to Tasks
o   Once the work is chosen the Sprint Team will take the User Stories and break them down into Tasks that can be assigned off to team members to accomplish. We assign a hour value to each task so that we can use this data in our Sprint Burn down chart.
·         Sprint Task Board
o   The Sprint Task board is basically a visual representation of where the tasks are in the below states
§  Story
·         All Tasks are grouped under the User Story to be done
§  Not Done
·         This is where we start all Task items to be accomplished
§  In Process
·         Once we have started work on a Task we move it to the In Process Column
§  To Verify
·         Before and item is really Done we need to verify the work is done to our definition of done which can be manual testing, acceptance testing, etc.
§  Done
·         Once an item is verified we move it to Done and move onto the next task.
·         Sprint Review Meeting
o   Once the Sprint iteration is done we hold a review meeting to show our work to the Product Owner and get their buy off.
·         Sprint Retrospective
o   This is where the team meets and reviews how the sprint was and how to improve it.

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