Friday 6 May 2011

Sprint Planning Meeting

Sprint Planning or the Sprint Kickoff meeting:
At the beginning of each Sprint the 3 roles of Scrum get together to plan and select the work to be accomplished in the Sprint Iteration. I like the Product Owner to come up with a Goal for the Sprint which represents at a high level how they see this Sprint helping our customers. Below is an example of a Sprint Goal:

Support personalization of our product
Add new Shopping Cart to the site

We then move onto the planning phase:
·         The Sprint Team determines their available hours for the sprint
·         The Sprint Team reviews Backlog and select user stories that can be accomplished in the Sprint Iteration.
o   The work selected is chosen in priority order from the Product Backlog
o   The work to be done is clearly understood by all. If it is not the team asks the Product Owner for clarification
o   The team will review estimates and confirm they are correct to ensure the work fits within the Sprint Iteration
·         The Sprint Team then Commits to the selected work which is represented in the Sprint Backlog
·         Once the work has been agreed upon and Committed to the team then breaks the work down into Tasks where they put Estimates against each task.

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