Friday 23 September 2011

How to enable Remote Desktop on Windows 8 Developer Preview

I have Windows 8 up and running in a Virtual Machine and now I want to Remote Desktop to it. Luckily I found a great Blog article that explains this:
Knowing how links can dissapear I will repost the steps here:

  • Get to a command prompt, either by typing "cmd" in the search box or by clicking on the "Developer Command Prompt" panel in the Windows 8 Start screen. I have put a red box around this panel to highlight it below:
  • Once you are at a "cmd" prompt ( command prompt ) type in the word "SystemPropertiesRemote.exe" which will load the System Properties screen as shown below:
  • Select the appropriate Remote Desktop setting for you.
    • I usually just select the middle selection. "Allow Connections from any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)" on my development machines.
    • To be a good citizen I have shown the last selection "Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure)" selected.
  • The last step is to click on the "Ok" button
To test if your configuration changes helped you will need to load up your Remote Desktop client on another machine and see if you can connect to your newly configured Windows 8 machine. Don't remember the name of the machine you just configured? Check out another post I have on the topic of finding the machine name in Windows 8:

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